Okay boys and girls here is a guide on how to start staking your Degenr and Light tokens to farm beautiful and custom Lightning NFTs.

4 min readMar 30, 2021

This guide is meant for LIGHT token holders who want to begin using their LIGHT to farm unique LIGHT — DEGENR NFT’s on degenrate.money.com. In this guide I assume that everyone already has LIGHT, if you do not go learn how to buy on the Lightning Incubator Telegram page.

Okay lets get started.

First go into https://degenerate.money/new/ and buy yourself some DegenR

Just go to the Homepage and click the “Ape in” button.

Then Click the “Buy DEGENR” button.

Follow the link to Pancakeswap. (make sure you are connected to the Binance smart chain for the next steps)

Click I understand as shown above

Then you will notice that Degenr has been added to Pancakeswap like listed below ( company auto fills it you just give permission)

Click the arrow in the middle of the text boxes to make it so that Degenr is not in the From: box, but in the To: box

Should appear like this when you are done

Now buy some Degenr with BNB or your desired currency. (recommended slippage is 7–8%) if transaction won’t go through then increase slippage as necessary.

Now with your LIGHT and DEGENR in your wallet your going to stay on Pancakeswap and go into the Liquidity section and add to the Light-Degen liquidity pool to receive your LP tokens (see page below )

Deposit the amount of LIGHT — DEGENR tokens you want to provide as liquidity.

Now by this point we are going assume you have already added both Light and Degenr to Pancakeswap. If you haven’t you will have to manually put the token addresses in (you can find them on bscscan.com or the companies telegram groups)

Once you click Approve, Approve, Supply you will receive DEGENR- LIGHT LP tokens in your wallet.Now lets go back to the DEGENR farms.

First before you go into your farm you are going to have to change your network on your wallet.We are staying on the BSC but using an different RPC better suited to NTF farming. For this tutorial I am going to show you what to change it to on Metamask.

On Metamask go add a new network then insert the details in the picture below.

For A article for changing networks go to https://buymeasmoothie.medium.com/how-to-change-the-network-in-metamask-45942d6043a1

For more details on the specific change for DEGENR go to https://degenerate.money/market/faq.html

Below is the recommended name and required rpc and settings to connect to the Binance smart chain to farm NFT’s on degenerate money.

Once you have changed your network and your wallet is connected to the new network then go to the homepage of Degenerate.Money and then navigate to the farms.


Go to the LIGHT— DEGENR farm ( open farm tab)

Once you have changed your network and your LP tokens are in your wallet the page shown below should appear after when you click open farms in the previous page. If the staking option box does not appear you have not set your network properly, go back and try again.

You may also click the link seen on the page for assistance from Degen.money

When you see the box seen in the picture above click “Staking options” then click Stake coins on the drop-down menu ( only other option available is unstake)

Approve the transaction and you should then see your balance of staked LP coins in the box like below. Also the available NFT’s are also depicted

(Sometimes the farm takes a bit to load, be patient, as long as you are connected to the right network as per the suggested settings the page listed below should appear.

The screenshot above should be where you end off at. Staked coins with NFT’s on the way!

Good luck guys! we are all in this together. If you need anymore help with this go talk to the team and community on both the Degenerate money and Lightning Incubator Telegram channels. Responsive teams and active communities you will get answers there and laughs. The links to the communities are on each companies respective websites.

